We are always a tight family.從以前就感情很好,無話不談,只是年紀越大,越覺得許多心裡操煩的事也就別提,總是不希望看到他們替你擔憂,總覺得那樣很不孝,長這麼大還要父母成天替你擔心,所以最近心情低落的事也沒和他們提過,因為自己心情不好,所以我最近常出門散心或找朋友談心,看在父母眼裡或許很不安分吧,覺得女兒大了就待不住了,偶爾吵吵架,也越來越不像小時候母女還會談好久討論誰做錯了,總覺得隨著年紀越大,有時不是他錯我錯的問題,只是完全不同的價值觀罷了,再爭執也沒什麼意義
不過,三年前從Sydney回來後,總替自己未來預設著還會再離開這裡,我想這樣的計畫與父母的期許是有些背道而馳吧,若是他們知道我這樣的念頭大概會氣的再也不和我說話,讓我不禁覺得自己怎麼做怎麼錯,不過話說回來,他們還是很支持我,They are still awesome in my mind and can't be replaced by anything! It's just that maybe it's about the time for me to fly.
P.S.:最近太憂鬱了,還真擔心自己會不會得憂鬱症,I think I'm over-sensitive, which makes me worry a lot.不過朋友們老覺得我會好好的...也是啦,自己的事總要自己解決,很感謝再這樣cricial moment,生活中還有Simon一直陪在身邊,他一直是最棒的人
P.P.S: Simon gave me the roses on my birthday. It's amazingly beautiful, isn't it?
I'm at bat!
Simon and I went to an interesting place in Neihu over the weekend where you can practice hitting baseball served by the machine. That was my first time trying baseball in my life. Actually, I barely know the baseball rules and the correct way to hold the bat. I choosed the machine serving balls at the speed of 80k/hr as the slowest one. Out of my surprise, I did pretty good on the hitting. One remarkable one looks like a base hit in my eyes. haha!
I woke up on the second day with extreme sore muscle and pain on my back, arm and leg.
How did Simon perform? well, go ask him yourself. He almost got his arm and waist wrecked.
I went to my friend Danny's wedding today. It was held at a very elegant Catholic church followed by a banquet luncheon at a fancy five star hotel. I've never been to a Catholic style wedding at the church, and it was extremely beautiful and touchy by viewing the whole progress.
I'm a non-religious person, and no religion really appears appealing to me. Somehow, I was really touched by the preach on marriage philosophy today during the wedding. I like what it teaches people to respect and support each other, because people hardly implement it perfectly in reality. I love the part that the bride's father hand his daughter's hand over to the groom, the part the newlywed couple gave vows to each other and the part the groom unveiled the bride and kiss her. With the shining sunshine penetrating into the church and casting on the couple, I saw them a match made in heaven. Yeah, it was a beautiful day, a beautiful couple and a beautiful marriage.