Monday, November 14, 2005

New Jazz

I started my new jazz dance program last weekend. I found a nice dance studio where it gives courses on different kinds of dancing like the one I used to go when I was in Sydney. It was a cozy funky one with the whole walls painted in hot red colour. That forms a feeling of passion.

I remember the salsa class I attended in Sydney years ago in which there were approximately 15 male and 15 female students in total, adding up the student number up to 30 more. In the class, all the ladies needed to stand in a line and the guys did in the same way and danced with the ladies in front of them. We practiced the steps with a certain partner for a while and then the guys would rotate so that means we can dance with different people in the 1.5 hour course. That was interesting to meet so many people in such a quick way. It's like one of those speed dating things that you get to know each one just within several minutes. Speed dating is through conversation and salsa is through dancing on the other side.

There's a saying that if you can dance well with a guy, then you two must be good on bed. Honestly, people got different dancing style as well as what they do in sex. Some people are just difficult to follow while some are perfectly matched in steps. In the couple dancing, men need to do the leading. Some guys are really gentle; some are just self-centered that you wish you can kick on their asses right away.

It is my belief that dance as a body expression can make people confident. I'm glad that I'm re-picking up the new jazz again coz that refreshes my life and bestows me with brand-new confidence.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger April said...

i'm off to salsa tomorrow and it's only 2 guys out of 30 gals, ha! it's just dancerise i supposed, i'm wracked and please take great care of yourself... will try to email you asap, love



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