I guess there are many things in the world that the textbook doesn't teach us. Even if it does by preaching us the correct logics and reason to do things, to behave ourselves, sometimes it just doesn't go in that way in reality. And at the most of the time, it's even more difficult than any equations in mathematics or any tests in school. Interpersonal relaitonship would be one of the toughest tests in life, and unfortunately, it cannot just be functioned by any equations like what we do in math. It comes in deeper complex.I had a smooth process during my childhood and grow-up. I was taught with the value of justice, of benevolence and kindness. I guess that's what made me naive, even at the age of 23. I was taught to treat people with sincere true heart. I always have the faith in life and believe in the good. Apparently, that's just not enough if I'm going to face the bigger real world. I need to learn its language to make my speech appropriate for facilitating the communication practice.
Simon and I got different background on each side. There was a dinner last week between our two families that triggered the conflicts of value in between. His mom got angry at me with the reason I don't know, but would probably be imaginable. That threw me a variable in our relationship as well as my value. I came to realize that there are numerous people who hold distinct value from mine. However, for that reason, I started to carry doubts in my faith or the relationship. I used to think naively that simply being me would be the best way for Simon's parents to know me since they are not my colleagues, clients or the acquantances on the street. That doesn't need the fake me to ornament the relationship with his parents. I do still respect them and even like them. However, my confidence got trembled. For the first times in a long time, I don't know what I can do. I feel helpless.
Friends once asked me why I would need to manage this issue at such a young age since I'm not marrying Simon yet. For one second, I did have that question in my mind. I've been asking myself that for a thousand times. But I'm not a quitter. I know there will be one day eventually that I need to confront the issue if I really want to maintain the relationship. And I need to be brave.
I'm glad from the bottom of my mind that I can have a wonderful parents and lovely friends in my life. I want to thank my dear mom who always encourages me to think positively and provides me with the direction to move on. I thank my dad who tried his best to cheer up his dear daughter, to make her laugh every time when she was down, and to teach her how to forgive. I thank my friends who always be so supportive and concerned in company. I would like to thank Simon especially for being a sweet boyfriend and providing a strong shoulder to cry on, notwithstanding he is the sandwich man who need to face the most pressure.
I guess that I can only do my best and god will do the rest. I'm learning to grow up and hope one day I can be understood.
I feel I'm stronger.
hi doll,
I'm reading your thoughts and you know what I began to realize everyone is different and there's no way to erase that wherever you are. I had a fight with my flatmate, who is a lovely friend. And it went to a downer point and the issue was we were too different in terms of dealing with things. I hate arguments but I made her cry. Fuck, yeah, I knew what you meant.
But life is like this, I thought it'd be easier for me to meet someone similar in UK, but honestly no one is like me. I realized I've changed dramatically since I was back and I didn't realize that. It's not the place nor the people, it's myself. It's inevitable to have conflicts between one and another. It's so true that I just accepted the truth.
Don't think over the value issues. You'll confront that again even in the US. Seriously, I just think the reason you felt stronger toward that was only because you were too close to Simon and you were very conscious about who you are. But I'm glad you're learning and you're accepting. C'est bien!
babe, I need to tell you a secret. I will probably fly back to Taipei on 20th Jan and I want it to be a superb suprise to everyone. I won't even tell my family or anyone, but you. Once I know more, I'll update the news.
love and all my thoughts,
btw, do you think we can arrange something suprising for Ashley and Jill when I get back?? I can hide behind a tree and shock them, haaa... I'm smiling just by imagining how suprised my parents would be... well if I'm lucky not to be locked out. Can't wait to see you and catch up! I do miss you and everything, you're still my best friend, really... hope you feel the same.
Claire sweetie~^^
看完妮的"lesson"真的頗有感觸,畢了業後發現學校對我們而言只是生活中的冰山一小腳.接下來的才是真正的挑戰,尤其是與人相處做事.很開心,有看到你不斷的追求自我中能保有份純真的自己在裡面.成長~真的很痛~!那種痛...是會覺得事情怎麼會是複雜到我們無法預測掌控,而就醬子發生了~!來的太快太急...似乎沒有任何方法或是對應的技巧可以面對,只能接受.今天是我放大假的最後一天,我去逛逛久違的誠品~沒想到,讓我最感興趣的書....居然是佛洛伊德...想說能不能讓自己清醒些=_="(用科學方法分析是不錯,但是想太多精神分析會神經過度疲乏)好像跟著年紀增長,我們所需要的事對自己的認知...還有who I really am等問題,etc.今天有去找樵其...發現到一些很好玩的事,哈~在跟你說^O^覺的樵其公司的人(包括管理員)...都有一種"樵"式風格存在~!我明天就要正式上班摟~see u soon~!
Hi Claire! Good looking blog. Just remember, quite often, when people become angry at you, they are either (a) attempting to gain control over you by making you modify your own behavior so you don't make them angry again or (b) angry because they can't control you. Anger is about control.
Good luck -- and remember, it's probably not your fault.
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