Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I had a children English class to teach on every Wednesday evening, and it reached to and end of the program today. I only had three students in that class -- Megan (11 yr old), Andy (10) and Benny (9). They are all lovely kids in my eyes. It is the Games Day tonight since it is the last class for them. We had lots of fun by playing Jenga and Monopoly together. They just cracked me up, not just today, but in every class in the past. It's always uneasy for me to say farewell, so I forced all of them to take pics with me in memory of all the happy time we used to have. They refused at the beginning and kept hiding from the camera, but they did at the end. They look like angels, the most beautiful angels in my mind. :)


At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only have three students!!哇~~真是小小班耶!!! 妳在照片裡依然美麗動人ㄚ(哈哈哈哈*狗腿一下~沒找妳吃飯不要揍我>//<)

At 3:23 AM, Blogger April said...

It's so weird but nice to see my old kids. I can't believe I've taught them for nearly a year. They seem bigger and smarter. I always kept an eye on Benny. He's a hard working person but he can be quite sneaky. And Andy is so naughty that I wanna to rip him off most of the time. Magen is street wise and I actually see myself on her. I miss them... and thanks for taking my annoying kids. You know they always changed teachers before? =)

love April xx

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Claire said...

To Apple,
you are such a brown noser. ha. :) Nah, I still won't forgive you.

To April,
It was quite difficult at the first few beginning weeks, but I gradually discovered they are lovely kids. Just like you said, Benny is bit sneaky, so I actually put lots of work on him. Andy is quite smart but lazy to study though. He actually got the highest score for many times when I used special way to treat him. BTW, he is the one who often cracked me up. Megan is a smart and sweet girl. I feel more like sister to her since she shared lots of stories with me. :) God, I miss them. :)

At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

about tarot, you can check this site for more information:


At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:22 AM, Blogger April said...

Yo babe, it has been a while for you to update here, yea? I got your messages on my blog and I'm sorry for the frustration you have. But you know, US isnt the only choice after all- are you really certain you want to go to the US? (mmm... I got the reason now)
I am not going home for chinese new year, which is a bit a shame. Everything is quite expensive here and I really wanna save up some bucks. Perhaps Easter I can make it but I donno yet. I dont feel the need to go home yet, and I think it's better to take it slow as well. I hope you're feeling alright, dont need to be so hard to yourself. But you know... I've had second thought before I made it here- it was a conflicting moment. I didnt really know what I wanted and if I should leave or stay... It's very normal, but you just need to make sure what you want to do. It's uneasy...

you are free to talk to me, yeah I sound quite cynical and grumpy on my post, yea? but Fuck China anyway...haa...

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


1我們的孽緣就是不會斷 從幼稚園到大學 畢業了延伸到街上
2我們都很不安分 到處趴趴走 哈哈哈
3下次不如約出來比較實際 ㄏㄏㄏ


你那篇纏腳跟高跟鞋的迷思 都點不進去 我好想看的說...


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