Beautiful Moments
I realized that great joy comes from the simple things:1. unexpectedly hearing one of my favorite songs from the radio while driving.
2. reading a great book with jazz music on in the rainy day.
3. successfully cooking a dish with the instructions from the cookbook, and it comes better with someone to share the dish.
4. a nice flick.
5. meeting new interesting friends
6. discovering a new function on my Mac laptop.
7. a sweet phone call from friends who live in distance.
8. a delicious New York Cheese cake with fabulous Latte'.
9. a perfect dressing that makes me feel perfect.
10. workout for 1.5 hours with lots of sweat and a hot shower.
11. a cheerful casual conversation with the saleperson or neighbors.
12. $50 found in the pocket of the jacket that I wore last winter.
13. discovering that I look magnificent in the photos I take during the trip.
14. learning that something I'm longing for is on big sale.
15. an e-mail from friends in the inbox rather than those forward mails.
16. a good joke.
17. perfect weather.
18. the cute guy sitting across to me is making a pass at me.
19. a sweet lovely brownie.
20. a heart-warming dinner with family.
因為之前電腦壞掉啦~所以一直沒來留言~看到你的可愛南瓜燈籠~~就想到去妳家住那一天哩! 阿妳最近好嗎?? Simon有乖乖吧??
不要那麼可憐看"小照片" :P
that's a nice post, I really like it. I've been a busy bee recently and it'll keep on like this for another few weeks before my christmas trip to Germany...
I do miss you loads too, and hope you're doing good.
talk soon, love, aprilxxx
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