Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Fetish in books

I like buying books. The habbit started when I was in Sydney years ago. But my reading speed is far slower than the frequency of book purchase. Therefore, I owned lots of books which are only half-read. Some are even just for decoration.

I bought four new books this week. One is the computer guide book titled AppleWorks, which teaches you how to operate the AppleWork program with mac computers. I bought myself an ibook last year and still in deep love with it. In order to show great passion for Mac and the ambition to overcome the adaptation for the new system, I decided to really try the Mac life. Just like the the book The Cult of Mac said "The Macintosh is more than a computer, it's a way of life. This book is about what it is to be a Macintosh person. It gives insight into the greatest love and loyalties of any product of our era." I aim to be a Macintosh person!

The other books includes one English fiction titled Bergdorf Blondes, one Chinese travel journal "Anywhere, Somewhere, Nowhere" of two Taiwanese men who went backpacking around the Taiwan Island on their scooters, giving a great insight of Taiwanese culture, and an intersting book tited Obsession.

Obsession is a book studying what obsession is and its difference from habbit. I found it interesting because I started to think I have the obsession of book purchase. In that book, it said the obsession relates to the flaw of human characteristics. Poeple begin to subconsciously focus on one thing as the obsession shows because they used to lack of that one thing in their life. So the obsession action looks like the supplement to the flaw. Therefore, I surmise my fetish in book comes from my reading habbit in my childhood. I hardly read books when I was a kid and it's not even qualified to be called a habbit. So I became a crazy book buyer. It feels like I'm eager to show I've read a lot, and the theory makes sense in this way.

Book Info:
  • The Cult of Mac

  • Obsession(癖理由)

  • Anywhere, Somewhere, Nowhere(到不了的地方,就用食物吧-台客與導演寶島摩托車之旅)

    At 8:56 PM, Blogger Tiffany (edited by cici) said...

    Hi, Claire,

    So you are going to switch to Mac? I have seen some people's blog made via Apple. It seems really powerful. I'd like to know more about it too. Maybe you can share your thoughts after finishing the book. :p

    Best regards,


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